Peer Grading of Final Exams
Each exam question will be graded by two groups of students (there will be two sets of grades for the same question). The two groups will mostly work independently, but will coordinate in class on Thursday morning to have one complete, final Rubric, using the form provided.
On Wednesday afternoon, you will work with your partner (See list on Live) to fill out the Final Exam Rubric (due on Live at 09:00 Thursday morning). This includes:
1. The full, correct, complete, awesome best answer to your assigned question. (It's a good idea to give several examples of correct answers where more than one is possible.)
2. A distribution of points for answering the question.
For an example, you can see the full, final rubric (sample answers + points) for the 2014 exam here.
Group Work on Wednesday afternoon
Each question has 4-6 students assigned to assess it. Within each question, students are split into 2 groups.
For this example, let's say there are 4 students assigned to grade Question 1: Ellen, Danna, Elin, and Katrine.
On Wednesday, you will work only within Group 1 or Group 2 (e.g., Ellen and Danna work together on Question 1.1; Elin and Katrine work together on their own, also on Question 1.1, so the two groups independently come up with their answers).
In thinking about allocating points:
Each Group (2 per question) should upload your completed Final Exam Rubric answer to Live by 09:00 on Thursday.
You should come to class with this information (ideal answer, and points allocation) ready to present to the class (we'll project the Word doc).
If you happen to have red pens at home that you could use for grading, please bring them to class on Thursday.
Groups 1 and 2 coordinate on Thursday morning
On Thursday morning at 09:15, you will come in to class. You’ll have a short time to meet with the other group working on your same question (so Ellen, Danna, Elin and Katrine will all meet together and discuss their answer for Question 1.1.) The two groups will share answers and come up with a modified, final rubric (best answer and points allocation).
One rubric presentation per exam question to the class- Thursday morning
Everyone working on the same question will present the final rubric to the whole class (so Ellen, Danna, Elin and Katrine make one presentation using with the final answer to Question 1.1, and points allocation).
If there are any questions or clarifications they can be discussed. We’ll go through the whole exam this way (so next, we have one presentation from all the members of the groups working on Question 1.2, then 1.3, and so on).
Theory Meets Practice: Finalizing the rubric against real exams- Thursday late morning
After the presentations Thursday morning, you'll get photocopies of the exam (one full set, e.g. 46 exams with question 1 for Group 1, and one full set for Group 2).
The two groups need to test their rubric against the amazing diversity and creativity of answers from your classmates to finalize the rubric. :)
Groups 1 and 2 should first meet and randomly select and examine 5 exams from the pile. Discuss together how to grade these against the rubric.
Make any additions or adjustments necessary to the rubric, e.g., adding any examples of correct answers and rules for point allocation that you find necessary. Confirm any changes you make to the rubric with an instructor.
Peer Grading of Exams - Thursday afternoon
Once you have a final rubric for your question, Groups 1 and 2 should work independently to grade all exams against this shared rubric. If any further changes are necessary as you go through the pile and find new answers, agree on changes with all students grading on the question so you're assessing by the same standards, and confirm with an instructor.
The peer assessments will be done independently by the two groups (so Ellen and Danna will share assessing all 46 exams for question 1.1; Elin and Katrine will also independently assess a separate copy of all 46 exams for question 1.1).
Mark on the exams any points taken off with a minus sign and the number of points subtracted (e.g., -1), along with a note of why the points were subtracted (what was missing that was specified in the rubric).
Mark good answers with a plus sign (+) and feel free to make positive comments!
Clearly mark the final score for each section on the left margin next to the question.
Sum up the total points for your question in the bottom left corner.
Submitting Grades - by 17:00 Thursday
When you’re done with your assessment, please:
After you have submitted your grades, if you want, Groups 1 and 2 can compare and discuss scores (i.e., were scores similar between the two groups for the same exam), but this is not required. Please do not make changes to scores at this time (the goals is to have two independent scores judged by the same rubric). Kim will examine any big discrepancies.
When you’ve done this, you’ll receive a hard copy of your own exam to assess yourself and turn in by 17:00 on Friday- see Self Grading.
On Wednesday afternoon, you will work with your partner (See list on Live) to fill out the Final Exam Rubric (due on Live at 09:00 Thursday morning). This includes:
1. The full, correct, complete, awesome best answer to your assigned question. (It's a good idea to give several examples of correct answers where more than one is possible.)
2. A distribution of points for answering the question.
For an example, you can see the full, final rubric (sample answers + points) for the 2014 exam here.
Group Work on Wednesday afternoon
Each question has 4-6 students assigned to assess it. Within each question, students are split into 2 groups.
For this example, let's say there are 4 students assigned to grade Question 1: Ellen, Danna, Elin, and Katrine.
On Wednesday, you will work only within Group 1 or Group 2 (e.g., Ellen and Danna work together on Question 1.1; Elin and Katrine work together on their own, also on Question 1.1, so the two groups independently come up with their answers).
In thinking about allocating points:
- Focus on more points for more important elements of the question.
- Show points as adding up to the total (e.g., 0.5 point for giving a logical example; 0.5 for following directions and using an everyday example, as asked in the question), rather than showing minus points. In other words, include all the elements necessary for a full, complete answer adding up to the total.
- You cannot have points that add up to more than the total. If there is more than one example
- Be sure not to double-penalize in your points system (e.g., if a student gave an incorrect answer in the first part of a question, they should lose points for that question. But if they then use that incorrect example in a logically consistent way to answer a later question, they should not lose points again. So, for a 2-point question "explain one physical effect that climate change has on the oceans," you could give +1 point for naming a correct effect, and +1 point for a correct, logical explanation linking your effect to climate change.)
- Each question can lose no more than 1 point for greatly exceeding format limit (e.g., writing 4 sentences where 2 are asked for.)
Each Group (2 per question) should upload your completed Final Exam Rubric answer to Live by 09:00 on Thursday.
You should come to class with this information (ideal answer, and points allocation) ready to present to the class (we'll project the Word doc).
If you happen to have red pens at home that you could use for grading, please bring them to class on Thursday.
Groups 1 and 2 coordinate on Thursday morning
On Thursday morning at 09:15, you will come in to class. You’ll have a short time to meet with the other group working on your same question (so Ellen, Danna, Elin and Katrine will all meet together and discuss their answer for Question 1.1.) The two groups will share answers and come up with a modified, final rubric (best answer and points allocation).
One rubric presentation per exam question to the class- Thursday morning
Everyone working on the same question will present the final rubric to the whole class (so Ellen, Danna, Elin and Katrine make one presentation using with the final answer to Question 1.1, and points allocation).
If there are any questions or clarifications they can be discussed. We’ll go through the whole exam this way (so next, we have one presentation from all the members of the groups working on Question 1.2, then 1.3, and so on).
Theory Meets Practice: Finalizing the rubric against real exams- Thursday late morning
After the presentations Thursday morning, you'll get photocopies of the exam (one full set, e.g. 46 exams with question 1 for Group 1, and one full set for Group 2).
The two groups need to test their rubric against the amazing diversity and creativity of answers from your classmates to finalize the rubric. :)
Groups 1 and 2 should first meet and randomly select and examine 5 exams from the pile. Discuss together how to grade these against the rubric.
Make any additions or adjustments necessary to the rubric, e.g., adding any examples of correct answers and rules for point allocation that you find necessary. Confirm any changes you make to the rubric with an instructor.
Peer Grading of Exams - Thursday afternoon
Once you have a final rubric for your question, Groups 1 and 2 should work independently to grade all exams against this shared rubric. If any further changes are necessary as you go through the pile and find new answers, agree on changes with all students grading on the question so you're assessing by the same standards, and confirm with an instructor.
The peer assessments will be done independently by the two groups (so Ellen and Danna will share assessing all 46 exams for question 1.1; Elin and Katrine will also independently assess a separate copy of all 46 exams for question 1.1).
Mark on the exams any points taken off with a minus sign and the number of points subtracted (e.g., -1), along with a note of why the points were subtracted (what was missing that was specified in the rubric).
Mark good answers with a plus sign (+) and feel free to make positive comments!
Clearly mark the final score for each section on the left margin next to the question.
Sum up the total points for your question in the bottom left corner.
Submitting Grades - by 17:00 Thursday
When you’re done with your assessment, please:
- Put the corrected paper exams in numerical order (1, 2, 3… through 46) and return hard copies to Kim.
- Upload your final rubric on LIve at Lund. This is the rubric everyone will use for the self-assessment. (One rubric per question, including partners from both groups.)
- Fill out the grades in this Excel sheet (be sure to complete yellow boxes with group name and question number) and email it to Heather.
After you have submitted your grades, if you want, Groups 1 and 2 can compare and discuss scores (i.e., were scores similar between the two groups for the same exam), but this is not required. Please do not make changes to scores at this time (the goals is to have two independent scores judged by the same rubric). Kim will examine any big discrepancies.
When you’ve done this, you’ll receive a hard copy of your own exam to assess yourself and turn in by 17:00 on Friday- see Self Grading.