YouTube Channel
A range of videos about our research on climate solutions, wine and climate change, large-scale land acquisitions, & more.
4 Choices for the ClimateMy own take on the 4 choices we identified that make the biggest difference for the climate: living car free, eating a plant-based diet, avoiding flying, and planning smaller families. 2 minute video from Lund University.
Academics Flying Less: Keynote at
How We Solved Climate Change:
Climate change
Teaching Career advice
Climate change
- "What everyone needs to know about climate change." (0:25)
- "4 choices matter for the climate. These are mine." (2:09)
- "How we solved climate change: A retrospective from 2050." Voted best keynote at Öredev. (46:50) Pre-interview with Ben Ward (28:57)
- "Young people and climate change." (50:58)
- See Press and Academics Flying Less pages.
- "How climate change is changing wine." (2:58)
- "A taste of the future: Wine in a changing climate." (4:04) "Benefits of EurB"Ben
- "Benefits of European winegrowing a
- "Engaging citizens in ecosystem services" webinar (58:34)
Teaching Career advice